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Extract Brewing Basic Steps

Extract Beer Brewing is where most of us started in creating our first homebrewed beer.

In most grocery and specialised home brew stores you can purchase concentrated Malt Extract. The extract lets you skip the process of mashing grains. You can go directly to the boil and ferment stage to bottle and consume. Extract brewing takes less time and equipment and easier on the pocket dollar wise. Simply put the extract malt is poured into the brew kettle and can be boiled together with hops to enhance the sweet liquid called the wort for fermentation. With patience you can create some excellent high quality beers.

Here are the basic steps when doing an Extract Brew:

  • Water is added to boil kettle and heated
  • Liquid malt extract or dry extract is added to the water resulting in the wort
  • Cold water is added to bring the 'liquer' (water) up and cooled to room temperature
  • Yeast is added and the beer ferments for a quantity of days
  • Carbonation sugar is added to the fermented beer
  • Beer is bottled and aged

With the above there are additional steps that can be added such as adding hops or steeping grains to enhance your beer flavours. We're not going to go down that road right now - we just want you introduced to the steps so when we meet you have an understanding of what we're going to do together.

You might be thinking 'I can do this on my own'. Yeah right - it might read that it's easy enough to brew on your own I can tell you that having someone that is knowledgeable can save you anxiety, frustration, time, and money. I get questions all the time from other brewers who have questions or concerns.  You don't think you'll have issues or questions?  Think again. 

So now that you have the basics of Extract Beer Brewing . . .


Home Beer Brewing Oak Beach Queensland Extract Brewing

Home Beer Brewing Oak Beach Queensland Australia - Offerings